Climate Action Resources

Here are some helpful resources to enable your continued progress and efforts towards
greenhouse gas reductions on campus.

Climate Change Glossary

The language of climate change can be confusing. The Climate Change Glossary defines key climate science terminology and reporting terms that you need to know.

Absolute Emissions

The total quantity of greenhouse gases emitted. For example, Company Y emitted 5,500 tonnes of greenhouse gases in a specified period of time (usually calendar year).

Additional Notes

Institutions may classify the term “absolute” differently. Absolute emissions may refer to carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalent (see below); the latter is recommended to ensure more comprehensive and accurate reporting.


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Absolute Target

A target defined by a reduction in absolute (total) emissions over time. For example, reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 25% below 1994 levels by 2010.


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An action that changes (adds or removes) greenhouse gas emissions.

Additional Notes

Activities include all areas measured and/or reported on within a greenhouse gas inventory, as they all produce emissions.

Adaptation (climate preparedness or climate resilience)

Adjusting to actual (current) or expected (future) climate change impacts.

Additional Notes

Examples of adaptation in a post-secondary institution include; climate change literacy via increased incorporation of learning into curriculum, a shifting research focus, or identifying operational issues that will become an increased priority as the impacts of climate change continue to unfold (flooding potential, power outages, etc.). Keep in mind adaptation also includes understanding and utilizing any benefits that arise because of a changing climate.


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Caused or produced by humans.



What change is measured against. In this context, change is greenhouse gas output over a specific period, typically years.

Additional Notes

Baselines may be based on intensity (see below) reductions, absolute reductions, or both.


Baseline Year

A chosen year against which future greenhouse gas emissions are compared to over time.

Additional Notes

If you are planning to set both absolute and intensity reduction targets it’s recommended to use the same baseline year.


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Baseline Year Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions in the baseline year.


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A metric that allows performance comparison to a point of reference, typically performance against peers. In the context of greenhouse gases this may be total CO2e emitted, CO2e per square foot or per student, kWh per square foot or student, etc.

Additional Notes

Keep in mind benchmarking can be a challenge for post-secondary institutions. Varying ages of buildings, geography, culture, programs, and other individual circumstances may lead to inappropriate or irrelevant comparisons. Choosing metrics wisely and understanding limitations of benchmarking is critical.


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In this context, carbon refers to emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) only. The terms carbon and greenhouse gas are not interchangeable, as greenhouse gas includes all gases, not just carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Colourless and odourless, COis the most abundant heat-trapping greenhouse gas. COis released primarily through the burning of fossil fuels caused by human activity and accounts for approximately 85% of Ontario’s total reported greenhouse gases emissions.

Additional Notes

Scientists and/or the media may speak about parts per million (ppm) of  COin the atmosphere; this information comes primarily from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii, where undisturbed conditions allow for accurate measurements of CO2. To maintain a planet similar to the one civilization was built on the world should aim for 350 ppm of COin the atmosphere. The last time the world saw this level was in 1987. Currently, Earth sits at 409 ppm. Click here for daily measurements.


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Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)

The Kyoto Protocol outlines seven greenhouse gases to be covered when setting and reporting on emissions reductions targets; Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), and Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). Each gas has different abilities to trap heat and therefore warm the planet. Instead of calculating and reporting on emissions for each greenhouse gas separately a conversion factor is used to report emissions as one number, with units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

Additional Notes

For example, it’s easier for an institution to report and measure that they have emitted 1,000 tonnes CO2e during a reporting period versus 500 tonnes of CO2, 5 tonnes, of CH4, and 1.5 tonnes of N2O.

It is recommended to report baseline emissions, whether intensity or absolute, and future inventories in CO2e.


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Climate describes weather patterns over a specific period of time, typically 30 years, for a region.

Additional Notes

Not to be confused with weather that looks at atmospheric conditions over a short amount of time, minutes to months.

The difference between weather and climate can also be described as climate is what you expect, like a very hot summer, X mm of rain in April, or X feet of snow during the winter. Weather is what you get, such as a hot day with pop-up thunderstorms, high humidity for a week, or high winds during an afternoon.


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Climate Change

Changes in long-term climate patterns, both locally and globally.

Additional Notes

This could be a change in the amount of rain a city receives in a year, seasonal temperature changes over a month, etc. Typically, a regions climate can take hundreds or millions of years to change.


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Cooling Degree Day (CDD) and Heating Degree Day (HDD)

Degree-days are based on the assumption that when the outside temperature is 18oC no heating or cooling is needed to be comfortable. Degree days are the difference between the daily temperature mean and 18oC. Each degree away from 18oC represents one degree-day, meaning most days will have multiple degree-days depending on how far the mean temperature is from 18oC for a specific day.

Cooling degree days (CDD) are a measure of how hot the temperature is on a given day, and are called CDD because buildings need to be cooled.

Heating degree days (HDD) are a measure of how cold the temperature is on a given day, and are called HDD because buildings need to be heated.

Additional Notes

Degree days are calculated for each day and can only be positive numbers; if the daily temperature mean is greater than the 18oC reference subtract 18 from the mean temperature. If the average daily temperature is less than 18 subtract that number from 18oC.

Example CDD: the high for a particular day was 32oC, and low was 18, meaning the average daily temperature is (32+18)/2 = 25. This number is above our 18oC reference, so we subtract 18 from 25 to get 7 CDD for that specific day. This is a day when the air conditioning would need to be turned on.

Example HDD: one day had a high of 10oC and a low of 2oC. The average daily temperature is 6oC, so subtract 6 from our reference of 18 to get 12 HDD for that day, meaning the heat would be turned on.

Why is this information relevant? HDD and CDD are used most commonly for tracking and normalizing energy use, and can help identify areas for energy savings and future energy strategy and equipment investment.


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Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1 Emissions)

Emissions from activities that are owned or controlled by the reporting institution.

Additional Notes

Owned or controlled emissions come primarily from the following activities: generation of heat via natural gas or other fuel types (excluding purchased electricity), on-site electricity generation, physical or chemical processing, transportation of company owned vehicles, and fugitive emissions (typically equipment leaks).


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Double Counting

When two or more institutions take ownership of the same greenhouse gas emissions or reductions; for example, a municipality chooses to complete a greenhouse gas inventory and is including emissions from a power plant that emits 100,000 tonnes of CO2e annually. A local business purchases an amount of electricity that would generate 100 tonnes of CO2e, so 1% of power plant emissions are being double counted if both inventories are used to complete total municipal emissions output. What if the power plant wants to do its own inventory? Then results may be triple counted if proper reporting practices are not in place within the municipality.

Additional Notes

Double counting can also be applied from a mitigation perspective, as initiatives would be made to look twice as effective.


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Emission Factor (EF)

An emission factor assigns a quantity of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of an emitting activity. For example, EFs include grams of CO2/m3 of natural gas, grams of CO2/litre of liquefied natural gas, grams of CO2, CH4, and N2O/litre of petroleum products etc.

Additional Notes

In Ontario EFs are reported in the National Inventory Report (NIR). The NIR comes out every April and lags by 2 years, meaning the 2019 report outlines 2017 EFs. Whenever choosing EFs use the most local as possible, start with City EFs, followed by Province, Country, and neighbouring countries, if necessary. Improperly selected EFs can lead to inaccurate total emissions outputs; for example, the EF for electricity generation in Ontario will look very different against other provinces such as Alberta due to the different sources used to generate electricity.


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Fugitive Emissions

Emissions that are not physically controlled by the institution but result from the intentional or unintentional releases of greenhouse gases from leaks in valves, pipe connections, seals, water treatment ponds, storage tanks etc.

Additional Notes

Depending on the type of gas, fugitive emissions can have serious health consequences. Fugitive emissions are very difficult to estimate in greenhouse gas inventories due to the large number of areas they can arise, types of gases emitted, difficulties determining total leakage, and issues directly measuring their output. Typically, they are not included in greenhouse gas inventories as they are generally very inaccurate and, unless there is a major problem, make up a very small amount of emissions within the post-secondary sector.


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Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Each greenhouse gas has a differing ability to trap heat and therefore warm the planet. GWP were developed to allow comparisons of that heat trapping ability to 1 tonne of COover a given period of time, generally 100 years. The larger the GWP, the more a greenhouse gas warms the Earth compared to CO2.

Additional Notes

For reference, COhas a GWP of 1, methane has a GWP of 25, meaning methane can warm 25 times more effectively when comparing an equal amount of COand CH4. For more information on GWP click here, the table also includes how long each greenhouse gas remains in the atmosphere (lifetime).


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Greenhouse (GHG) Gas

A greenhouse gas is simply a gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. The Kyoto Protocol outlines seven gases; carbon dioxide (CO2); methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); and Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). There are other known greenhouse gases, though these seven have been identified as the major global contributors.


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Greenhouse Gas Credit (interchangeable with greenhouse gas/carbon offset)

A greenhouse gas reduction achieved by one institution that can be purchased and used to compensate (offset) the emissions of another party (company, institution, individual etc.).

Additional Notes

The most popular types of carbon offsets are generally tree planting or methane capture from landfills.


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Greenhouse Gas Effect

Occurs when greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun within the atmosphere. The greenhouse gas effect is termed such because, similar to a greenhouse, energy can pass easily through the walls of a greenhouse (or atmosphere) but has greater difficulty passing back the opposite way out of the greenhouse, becoming trapped. It’s important to remember that there is a natural greenhouse gas effect and a human enhanced one. The natural greenhouse gas effect ensures we have a habitable planet with an average temperature of 15oC; without it, the planet would be approximately -18oC.

Additional Notes

Simply, the greenhouse gas effect can be likened to Earth being wrapped in a thick blanket. Up until recently, Earth has had a thin blanket of greenhouse gases surrounding it that helps keep the appropriate temperature. The more emissions humans add to the atmosphere the thicker the blanket becomes and less heat can escape that enters from the sun.


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Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The global framework that standardizes how to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions.

Additional Notes

Greenhouse gas reporting Scopes (see below) were introduced by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.


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Greenhouse Gas Sink

Any process that stores or removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Additional Notes

Typically, forests and/or bodies of water are thought of as main sinks, but soil etc. can also act as a sink.


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Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2 Emissions)

Greenhouse gas emissions that result from institutional operations, but emissions are generated and owned by another entity. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol designates Scope 2 Indirect Emissions as those produced from purchased electricity.


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Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 3 Emissions)

Emissions that do not fall under Scope 1 or 2. These emissions are a consequence of organizational activities, but occur at sources not owned or controlled by the organization. Within the post-secondary sector this would include activities such as; employee and student commuting, business travel that does not happen with company vehicles, waste, organics, supplier emissions etc.


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Intensity Target

A target that sets out to achieve a particular emissions rate or level of performance rather than a specific amount of absolute emissions reduced. The most common intensity targets in the post-secondary setting are grams or kilograms of CO2e /square foot and tonnes of CO2e per full time equivalent (FTE); for example, an institution may be interested in reducing CO2e per student by 20% by 2022, using 2015 as a baseline.

Additional Notes

To calculate FTE a common approach is to determine Fall semester enrollment of all students as well as staff, and faculty, with part time students, staff, and faculty representing 0.5 FTE and adding full and part time together.


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A list of greenhouse gas emitting activities with corresponding quantities of emissions, preferably in CO2e, for each activity.


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Inventory Boundary

Setting a greenhouse gas inventory boundary determines what emitting activities are measured and reported on and which are excluded.


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Leakage (interchangeable with Secondary Effects)

Greenhouse gas leakage occurs when emissions are reduced within a chosen boundary, such as a post-secondary institution, City, Province, Country etc., but those reductions lead to increased emissions in other areas outside the boundary.

Additional Notes

As an example, British Columbia’s carbon tax sparked worries from Provincial cement producers as potential costs passed on to buyers may mean buyers seek cement in other places. This can be an emissions issue for two reasons; increased emissions from transportation if cement is coming from further away, and/or increased emissions in other production areas that do not have emissions regulations (any or ones that are less stringent) in place.


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Life Cycle Analysis

Determining the sum of a products or services impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions, waste produced, water and energy consumption at each step of a products life. Steps include resource extraction, production, use and waste disposal.


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The point or threshold where an environmental, social, or economic impact becomes important for an institution, for any reason, to report on or set targets towards improvement.


Any efforts to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases.

Additional Notes

Mitigation can take many forms, such as complex planning for a new city, or improvements to a stove design. Mitigation efforts may be purposefully done or a result of the natural progression of society.


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Net Zero

At its most basic definition net zero means resulting in neither a surplus nor a deficit of the chosen emitting activity when gains and losses are added together. There is currently no accepted standard definition of many net zero concepts concerning sustainability (ex. Net-zero waste).

Additional Notes

In terms of environmental sustainability, net zero can apply to many areas, such as; energy, waste, carbon, and achieving a sustainable balance between water availability and demand, and eliminating solid waste sent to landfills. Certain net zero concepts are easier to define than others; net zero energy is generally defined as producing equal or more energy from renewable sources than what is used from non-renewable ones. Net zero carbon is similar and includes removing or offsetting the same amount of carbon that is created by an institution. Net zero waste is particularly difficult, and is sometimes classified as simply a very high diversion rate from landfill (85% or more, for instance).


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Net Zero Energy

Simply put, net zero energy means producing as much energy as consumed over a certain period, typically a year, via renewables.

Additional Notes

When speaking about net zero energy the overwhelming response relates to building energy use and not necessarily energy required for transportation.


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Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions ( interchangeable with Greenhouse Gas Neutrality/ Net Zero Emissions Footprint/ Climate Neutrality)

No net greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, the majority of institutions that claim GHG neutrality attempt to reduce emissions as much as possible and/or incorporate the generation of clean, renewable energy, and then purchase offsets (see above) for remaining and unavoidable emissions.

Additional Notes

Be sure to clarify what greenhouse gases you want to include when you define what Net Zero means to your institution. Net Zero implies all greenhouse gases, not only CO2, if interested in only COyou are pursuing carbon neutrality, not greenhouse gas neutrality. Additionally, you will need to clarify your boundary; does neutrality mean emissions from buildings only or does it include waste, student commuting, business travel etc.


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Net Zero Waste

Reducing, reusing, and recovering waste streams to convert them to valuable resources with zero waste sent to landfills over the course of the year. In Ontario, this is measured by the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Additional Notes

Net Zero waste can be tricky to define and understand. Generally, the definition presented here serves as a basic guide, but there are other issues to consider. Are materials designated for recycling and compost considered waste? What if waste you generate goes to an incinerator? Is that considered net zero waste simply because it’s not going to a landfill? Additionally, because there is no accepted international definition of net-zero waste and what it entails different entities may define it differently; for instance, some organizations have defined zero waste as a certain percentage, such as 90%, diversion rate from landfill.


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Target Commitment Period

The period of time where emissions performance is measured against the target. For example, if an institution committed to reducing CO2e 30% (absolute emissions) over 10 years with 2017 as a baseline the following 10 years would be the commitment period. The commitment period typically stays the same even if the goal is achieved ahead of schedule or not met.


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Water Vapour

The most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, water vapour warms Earth indirectly versus the seven Kyoto Protocol gases that warm Earth directly. Water vapour creates a positive feedback loop of warming; human produced emissions warm Earth, and warmer air leads to higher absolute humidity (the air can ‘hold’ more water). Added atmospheric water vapour traps more heat, indirectly causing further warming, which increases humidity further humidity that leads to more water vapour stored in the atmosphere etc.

Additional Notes

Though water vapour is an important greenhouse gas, any anthropogenic emissions of water vapour do not contribute largely to increasing the total amount of water vapour in the air, unlike other greenhouse gases where human-induced emissions directly contribute to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


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See “Climate” for further information

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